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Antietam Cable Television, a notable provider of cable TV, caters to households across the globe. They have an impressive range of shows, movies & even documentaries. Yet, like all great providers, occasional hiccups can cause service disruptions. Our site is here to keep you in the loop with these issues. We monitor & report on these interruptions constantly, providing you with up-to-the-minute details about Antietam Cable Television's working status, no matter where on Earth you are. Be the first one to find out, never miss out on your beloved shows.
A Guy 1 year ago
Very spotty internet connection. It’s been mostly down the last 2 hrs. As soon as everything reconnects, service drops within a couple minutes. -Hagerstown 21740
Kelly Combs 1 year ago
Cable down completely. No Audio or Visual. Hagerstown, 21740
On and off internet service. Loss of important telehealth conference meetings!
Antietam Sux 3 years ago
No Internet in Clear Spring yet again...21722
jmorr 3 years ago
williamsport 21795 outage
Robert 3 years ago
21733.fairplay internet still down 3days now and cable company still hasnt sent or answered my calls.truly a shit business
Robert 3 years ago
21734 fairplay. Internet still down even called them twice and no answer.shit company and even shittier service
Robert 3 years ago
21733 fairplay.internet down for 10hours so far and still not on
Dale Haupt 3 years ago
Cable and Internet are down in hagerstown area off frederick street 21740 been bout a half hour or so now....