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About Bluespan
Bluespan provides high speed internet access and covers regions like Arizona and Washington. One can choose their customizable plans that are priced reasonably. To learn more about the pricing process, one can contact them via phone.
William LeRoy 2 years ago
Bluespan techs say outage until teams can get to towers. Road blocked by snow. Outage expected to last 48 hours or more. 86004 zip code, Flagstaff, AZ.
William LeRoy 2 years ago
Bluespan out. 86004
Jake 2 years ago
86004 Flagstaff. Internet completely out. More than likely from ice on the tower that bluespan refuses to address.
Robert 2 years ago
85641 vail. Spotty as always
wendy 2 years ago
we were out all day Saturday then its life as usual, buffering,freezing, back to menu, seems to get worse not better, only sometimes tolerable Elgin, 85611
Bigblue 2 years ago
Vail 85641. Spotty. C'mon bluespan. Do better
Elle 2 years ago
Out in Tucson, 85745
aaron 2 years ago
Tucson 85704. Second outage in a week. Last one over 18 hours. This is our business. It's costing us money. I've ordered t mobiles internet package. Because this has become unacceptable.
Shrimpboat 2 years ago
Out for a while now. Tucson 85705
Jenn 2 years ago
Tucson 85743 Still no internet. Picture Rocks.
Diana Grijalva 2 years ago
Have had outage for an hour and 30 mins. How much long will it be ? I am in Tucson Az 85746
Caro Patterson 2 years ago
85745 Tucson - been out for at least 30 minutes
Bev 2 years ago
Marana ,85653 I've been out for a good 30 min. Now.
Sheree Ludwig 2 years ago
Outage Picture Rocks AZ (Tucson)
Bonnie 2 years ago
We are experiencing an outage. It has been going on a while. Wilmot Rd & Sahuarta Rd. general area. Sahuarita, Az 85629
Beth W 3 years ago
Still not working this morning, and no further updates.
Beth W 3 years ago
Still not working for me 85713
Caleb Scherrer 3 years ago
Internet is working for me
Scott M. 3 years ago
Bluescam..I mean Bluespan may be done after this, the cost associated with this is huge. At a minimum they will loose 1/3 of their customers. Our only hope is a speedy StarLink deployment.
Beth W 3 years ago
85713 Hilarious. After posting some sarcastic comments on the Bluespan FB page, they clearly blocked me. Suddenly I can't comment, and can't even "like" the page. Not scoring any customer service points here, Bluespan. As soon as your phone lines are turned back on, expect a raging telephone call.
Beth W 3 years ago
85713 4 hours ago they said on their FB page that they figured something out & we'd get internet back in 1-2 hours. I rebooted 3 times now (leaving it off for 2-3 minutes like they said), and STILL NOTHING. I need internet for work. I have already missed a deadline today. If they make me miss tomorrow too, I will switch providers. It's the lack of updates and the turning off of their phones that has me
Sheree 3 years ago
85743 Tucson My internet has been down the majority of the day. Could cost us our jobs for those of us that work from home. Unacceptable
Caleb Scherrer 3 years ago
Internet has been out since 7:36 this morning for me. I called at 8:00 and talked to a technician and he told me it would be fixed in about an hour (0900)… i called at 1000 and just received a busy signal. The rest of the day all numbers have had a busy signal. They have been updating via Facebook and the last update was at 1500 MST and said “they figured out the problem and will be up and running in the next hour our two”. The biggest issue i have is the communication and honesty! I feel like all fay they new they had serious issues and we keep getting strung along.
Bob H 3 years ago
No internet since at least 8am this morning (Tuesday). Every number in company renders a busy signal. Nothing posted on website or Facebook. Unless this is a Russia cyber attack, this is not ethical nor acceptable behavior, if they are still in business will switch providers soon as possible.
Lori anderson 3 years ago
85653 out since 2:00
Scott 3 years ago
Out since 2pm in Tucson. Busy signal all numbers called. Did they go out of business?
Ashley 3 years ago
85747. Outage since this morning and still no internet. Tried calling multiple times and just busy signal
Vail 3 years ago
85641 it's been over 13 hours. That's a full days work. I expect a free month of service for this. Unplugging your phones so you don't have to deal with customers is cowardly
DM 3 years ago
85743- No internet all day. No communication with BluSpan. This is ridiculous.
Person 3 years ago
85747 pls fix the internet bro I’m trying to play 2k
J 3 years ago
All these comments… You would think it is the end of the world. jajajajajajajajajaja
John A Petroshus 3 years ago
Misslebase Marana Tucson area down all day 85658
brayden 3 years ago
85747-Vail All i’m trying to do is tom clancys rainbow six siege regarding the new season that came out at 8am this morning and it’s 3pm. This is UNACCEPTABLE! We as customers were promised fast and reliable internet and since I got them 5 years ago only one promise was held and that was them being reliable, now that’s gone too! The very least they could do tell us what’s wrong and when it will be fixed, but no. thanks a lot bluespan you ruined a night a ranked gameplay.
Aliseli 3 years ago
TUCSON 85745 Down 5pm last night 14Mar22 for a short period. 1st checked and down ~6am today 15Mar22. Still not up 2:45pm. Only busy signal when I call. Sent email request to report and get updated. Auto-generated email acknowledgement. I do time sensitive contract work from home on international videocalls and web-based applications 8-12 hours a day. I've lost over a thousand dollars in billable hours not to mention the company who contracts me will miss critical deadlines costing them 100s of thousands of dollars. It would be nice if they posted approximate time to restore on their website so that I'm not sitting around waiting and could have just enjoyed my day.
Vail 85641 3 years ago
To all, certainly todays Blue span has been unacceptable, while minor outages should be expected for those of us remote, long term is concerning. More concerning is Blue spans lack of transparency. Apparently, this was a self-induced wound. While Blue span pushed this off to a 3rd party per their Facebook page, I find this unacceptable. Blue spann is responsible for their service and while things can and will go wrong their lack of transparency and diligence to keep customers updated is unacceptable. So if you concur please send me your contact info to [email protected], (ensure you do a send to me only) I want to draft a letter to Blue Span, with our group concerns, I will vet letter with all who respond prior to sending to Blue Span. This behavior is not acceptable, as much as I like Blue Span they need to wake up. Thanks for your time.
kp 3 years ago
@85641 vail - thanks for the info on longevity. I've been working since 4:30am and just about ready to call it quits. Guess we will be reading books this evening.
Beth W 3 years ago
I noticed it first thing this morning & reported it here, and I was chill about it all morning. At this point its over 8 hours since it's gone down, with zero way to contact them (all phones ring to a busy signal), and not even a Twitter account where they could post what this issue is, and how long til it's fixed. Totally UNACCEPTABLE. I went with them because they were local & supposedly had great service. Now this?? Guess I have to go back to Cox
Elizabeth 3 years ago
I called all 4 offices from Arizona to Seattle and can’t get through at any office. I understand there can be outages but not to get a notification or even a recording is unacceptable.
Susan S. 3 years ago
85739 I agree with Megan. This is unacceptable! I teach from home and am supposed to have online office hours in ten minutes. I’m supposed to teach at 3 p.m.
Susan S. 3 years ago
85739 I agree with Megan. This is unacceptable! I teach from home and am supposed to have online office hours in ten minutes. I’m supposed to teach at 3 p.m.