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Cincinnati Bell is a big player in the field of telecommunication services, offering internet, phone, and TV to millions of customers. But, with such a big network, some glitches & issues can pop up. Our website keeps an eye on these hiccups 24/7, giving you the latest info about Cincinnati Bell's operational status from anywhere in the world. Always be in the loop; never miss a moment of your favorite shows.
Valerie Abney 1 year ago
Just sent message below, forgot city, Sycamore Township 45236
Valerie Abney 1 year ago
Haven't had Internet since early yesterday afternoon. Always glitching and buffering, now nothing! What's up???? ????
Angry 1 year ago
Been without internet since 1pm.notjing is being done to correct problem.what is going on.45211 Cincinnati ohio.
Joe Clabaugh 2 years ago
Internet and landline outage in Springdale - 45246
Leah 2 years ago
Internet down since last night, still not back. 41015 covington
Leah 2 years ago
41015 covington
David and Debbie Gross 2 years ago
Internet went down at 2pm on Tuesday and is still out. Makes it hard to work from home. Impossible
Chase 3 years ago
Internet light on router is red. I’ve tried unplugging it and resetting it to no avail. Nothing seems to work. 41007 California, Kentucky.
Sergio Auler 3 years ago
Internet was down, but now it's up, However speed is only 4.5mb per second. It should be 200mb.
Krista 3 years ago
Internet completely down at 41018.
Krista 3 years ago
Cincinnati Bell this is getting ridiculous now. Internet goes completely out for a 3rd time now in the past 5 days. Get it together fast or I will have to find another service for internet.