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About EarthLink
Earthlink was founded in 1994 as a private internet service provider that specializes in providing residential services and business solutions. Over time, the company has augmented its offering to include premium email, security products, and web hosting, along with internet services. With a base number of over 15,000 for their professional services and over 1 million for their residential internet access, Earthlink has become a trusted provider in the industry.
Tom 3 days ago
Earthlink email down in Louisville, Kentucky, 40202. Looks widespread.
Baked in Boston 3 years ago
Anyone else have failed email transmission the evening of March 14, 2022? Have not received Failed Message bounce notices, yet. Woburn 01801
Dr. Mike 3 years ago
I'm in NYC 10023 I think *this* site is down, given how widespread the Earthlink outage is, nationally, and given all the other pages (DownRightNow, Earthlink itself, etc.) reporting significant problems with webmail, especially in NYC and Atlanta, though elsewhere too. A fine kickoff to Memorial Day weekend, just as so many other holiday weekends (for some reason) have featured total Earthlink outages. A shame. Used to be one of the best ISP's ever, esp. as Mindspring.
Baffled in Boston 3 years ago
Earthlink Webmail links aren't functioning properly in secondary email accounts. Cannot open multiple emails or functions like Check Mail, Write, etc. into a new tab. If right click on a link to 'Open New Tab', the browser's new tab contains the Welcome to Webmail login screen. The primary email account does not have this problem. Firefox Browser, PC, Windows 10. Boston 02115