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About Metronet
Metronet is an internet service provider that offers high-speed fiber-optic broadband services. However reliable and of good quality the service may be, there are occasions when customers could run into problems or face issues with their Metronet connectivity.
Matthias 2 years ago
Internet down about an hour ago. We just switched to Metronet last week!
Sarah 2 years ago
Internet down in Lansing mi 48912
Jared 2 years ago
Internet down Ypsilanti,mi 48198
Kelli 2 years ago
Internet out since 10:35 AM CST. Affects Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa. No ETR.
Michael Ssnders 2 years ago
Blackout all day. No TV or internet. Normal, Illinois 61761
Thomas Strommer 2 years ago
Internet out 28304
Michael West 2 years ago
Wifi out since 5pm Crawfordsville In
David W Baumgartner 2 years ago
50105 - Gilbert Iowa. Spotty marginal service over the last 12 hours. (download 0.26 Mbps/upload 0.49Mbps)
Stephen M 2 years ago
60543 - been on and off for about 2 weeks now. Today its a hard out - been out now for 5 hours and no sight or ETA on fix
Ken Wickelgren 2 years ago
On and off for past week, 55901.
Christine 2 years ago
Out in 50323 Urbandale for last hour or two at least.
Crys 2 years ago
Internet down since about 1 am Normal, IL 61761
Julie Andretz 3 years ago
48912 Lansing mi We have had no Wi-Fi since 4 o’clock approximately today I have rebooted my devices I unplugged and let’s set at least 30 minutes the router three times nothing happens I get a error message that says there is issues with the server ‘
Travanti Jones 3 years ago
Fayetteville, NC 28314 interent out again on 10Jan22 12:35am. We just had an issue less then 5 days ago where internet was out for 24hrs
A.L 3 years ago
Fayetteville, NC - internet had been out since 11:20 pm 1/6/22 and lost hours at my job because of internet being out. Was just going to make them up Friday thinking it would be on by then, but it still isn’t. I understand stuff happens but I feel a widespread email NEEDS to go out with information regarding this widespread issue.
Chris 3 years ago
28304 fayetteville nc. It is now 2:15 am on January 7th. And still no internet. Internet has been out since around 10 am on January 6th. And they told me the same exact thins as other have said 8 hours ago. That they were working on the 2nd splice it's ridiculous and metronet should compensate everyone effected! And hire people that know how to actually do their job in a timely manner!
Josh 3 years ago
28304 fayetteville Internet been out since around 10am. I called a few times and at 5:47pm i talked to a person saying one line was cut that serviced 3 cities and that eta was one hour. Its been past 2 hrs and still nothing. Calling tech support now tells you a canned message with no options.
Andre S. 3 years ago
Fayetteville, NC 28304 Just got home and seen my internet was still out. Called Metronet and the lady was very helpful. Apparently the line was damaged or cut at 2 different locations. 1 location has been fixed and they are now working on the 2nd location. She stated it looking like they were actively working the problem but are still waiting on another person to get to that location. While she couldn’t give me an eta. She did at least give me that info consider I called earlier and got no information like other comments I’ve seen.
Mark A 3 years ago
Fayetteville NC. 28304 Internet and phones out since 10:30 am. It is now 6:00 pm and they can not even give an estimated repair time. Trying to run a business with no phones and no internet or email sucks!