All Orbitel Communications reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Orbitel Communications

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Mark 2 years ago
He's very determined in what ever he does and hacking account is one of the things he does best. I want to say thank you to @hephaestuslock on Instagram for his contribution in getting me back into my account.Your commitment has been exemplary and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone around you.

Christy 2 years ago
Construction crew sliced a fiber optic cable and the internet was down the last 17 hours. Seems to be fixed now

Jason 2 years ago
What’s happening? Maricopa Arizona 85138

Paul 2 years ago
85139 still out! What is going on?

William 2 years ago
Same here in SB hoa2. Since about 8am. 85739

Marsha 2 years ago
No upper channels in the Preserve at SaddleBrooke.

Paulette 2 years ago
85139 we have no internet and cable

Rhonda 2 years ago
Internet and TV out Dec 18 am Robson Ranch 85131

Pete 2 years ago
85138 - Glennwilde - intermittent outage since 6pm on 11/23. Contacted support and they're aware of the outage and have no ETA for repair.

CC 2 years ago
No cable 11/19/22.. 85139 No TV for about an hour now

Jacob Radagast 2 years ago
Internet has been down for an hour. Maricopa 85139.

Gabriel 2 years ago
Experiencing outage in Maricopa, AZ 85139, rebooted a few times nothing coming up!

Chris 2 years ago
Orbitel internet seems to be out. I have not called anyone

Ervin Porter 2 years ago
85139 I just got off the phone with them. One of the power grids went down. There’s no ETA but there are engineers are working on it. I have a feeling it’s not gonna be on for a bit.

Ervin Porter 2 years ago
85139 I just got off the phone with them. One of the power grids went down. There’s no ETA but there are engineers are working on it. I have a feeling it’s not gonna be on for a bit.

Des 2 years ago
85139 Just tried resetting and still no wifi. I’ve been resetting since like 6 this morning and I’m having no luck -.-

Erica 2 years ago
85138 out no reason for it and no ETA for a fix.

Joe 2 years ago
85139, out again, and out still. Can't wait to get my 4 up and 35 down when it does come back on though

Levy Bland 2 years ago
Maricopa, AZ 85138 Multiple days of internet outages. It works one minute then out again. Even when it is running my download speed is only 26.1 Mbps and I have the 100Mbps service. Granted I have never seen 100Mbps but it usually sits around 65-85 Mbps. Orbitel, you have one job, keep your services up and running. Orbitel has been the worse internet provider I have ever had and I have had Comcast and Century Link, so I am now saying that lightly.

George Hogan 2 years ago
Maricopa AZ 85138 Orbital has been down for over 3 days. It affects 4 streets here in my HOA. Internet turns on and 3 minutes later goes down. Has been coming back up and then goes down They did have a message when calling in. They've stopped it. Now the tell me "they are working on it" IS TERRIBLE ORBITAL ISN'T COMPETENT ENOUGH TO REPAIR A PROBLEM...... IN # DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will I get

Ulysan 2 years ago
Been having issues all day on and off 2hr intervals.

Shelly A Nelson 2 years ago

Doug 2 years ago
85623 in SaddleBrooke Ranch

sam 2 years ago
cable out in city of maricopa

Nick 2 years ago
Maricopa AZ, 85138 - Internet still down, ethernet works but no wifi connection.

Kc 2 years ago
85138 no internet since midnight

No internet 2 years ago
No internet in Maricopa

Caleb 2 years ago
Had a gnarly storm roll thru in Maricopa (85138). Power was out for a little over an hour, then came back on. No internet though.

Richard Rangel 2 years ago
85138 Maricopa, we had an electrical outage and now power is back on but No internet

Monica Bob 2 years ago
Internet down in Maricopa. Please send me some type of verification for my job. Sorry for the bother. It’s been an issues since I started my shift at 3 p.m. today 09/11/22. It is now 4:11 p.m. zip 85138 City Maricopa AZ

James 2 years ago
Internet has been down since at least 4:45am local time in Sun Lakes AZ.

Dustin Williams 2 years ago
Maricopa. Just flicked off and on?!?

Wes Shoemaker 2 years ago
Internet is down Maricopa 85138

Doug Roth 2 years ago
Orbitel Internet Service has been down all weekend since 11:30PM Friday August 5th. Still unavailable at 1:30 AM Monday August 8th. This is the third consecutive weekend that Orbitel has not provided internet service access.

Antonio 2 years ago
Back to having no internet. Two days in a row and I call customer support and they can't have anyone come out here til next Thursday which is a full 7 days later. Absolutely ridiculous.

Stephen 2 years ago
Oribtel issues again, and again, every day! Less than 1Mbps download speed while paying for 100Mbps connection. For the lat 7 months Orbitel has blamed the snow birds for the internet bandwidth issues. The snow birds have gone back to Canada now! Why are we still having internet issues! Price increases ever year and we still have the same crap internet and terrible customer service!

don 2 years ago
less than one mbps upload. I can't even upload a jpeg for work. I hate cox, but hope they'll be better than this. Hopefully tmo comes in with their service as well...faster uploads on my phone, just can't access the work vpn that way.

Johnny 2 years ago
85139 Maricopa, Cobblestone Farms. There's been Lots of outages this past month. My guess is because There's a lot more people moving here and orbital Isn't upgrading there hardware. This whole day the internet ran like dog crap, I reset the wifi multiple times with nothing helping. Orbital needs to get there shit together because I'm am tired of there bad service.

Brian Felt 2 years ago
85139 Maricopa; Cobblestone Farms; Internet up and down for the past 24 hours. Mostly down this afternoon. Reported to Orbitel who confirmed it is an outage in the "area"

Orbital outage 2 years ago
Maricopa internet out


About Orbitel Communications

Orbitel Communications is a leading player in the field of telecommunication, this company provides people around the world with access to high speed internet and superior phone services. Occasionally, they will have to stop providing services. Our website is dedicated to these problems, which we maintain on a constant basis, providing you with the latest information regarding Orbitel's condition from around the world. Remain involved and never forget an essential call or downLOAD.
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Outage history

Reported outages on 25.03.2025:
There were a total of 1 outages at Orbitel Communications. The most frequently affected cities were: Albuquerque

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