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About Resort Cable TV
Resort Cable TV is a small and local American telecommunications firm offering internet service solely within the state of Arkansas. The cable internet from Resort Cable TV is made available to an estimated 77,000 locals, which makes it the 60th largest provider of cable broadband in the US by coverage area. Their services have packages which include up to 267 Digital Cable channels with online access to 'Watch TV Everywhere', with speeds up to 50 Mbps so customers can stream movies, watch HD shows, or play vidoe games all at the same time.
Carl Short 2 months ago
No internet needed to do work
FCG 2 months ago
71913, it's hard to work with NO internet!
T 2 months ago
Internet down Hot springs 71913
Tiffany 3 months ago
Internet repeatedly keeps going out. About once every hour! And today it’s been going out every few minutes!
Brandon 7 months ago
71913; once again internet is down. There really needs to be a better option for those with class work or wfh situations.
ResortInternetSUXhotSpringsAR 7 months ago
Resort internet is down again!!!!!!! This is like the 4th time this year already! Add salt to their ghettoness, tech support phones still aren't working after months of the same issue. Try calling them to find out why the Internet isn't working, yet again, rings twice and hangs up. SOOoo, can't even get a hold of support throughout the night until they open in the morning. RIDICULOUS! SO SICK of this! At this point every time this occurs, we shouldn't have to pay that months bill! Otherwise we're paying axxzz loads of money to them monthly for a service that we don't have access to numerous times throughout the year due to issues!!!
Zak 7 months ago
Down at 3:30am 71901
Z 7 months ago
Should give everyone a discount on their bill everytime this happens honestly, it legitimately 1-3 times every 1-3 months, paying $100 for my bill so I can have the speeds I need for classes, absolutely silly that this company with a monopoly on internet can’t avoid such frequent issues. Baffling.
Giuseppe 9 months ago
71901 Hot Springs No internet and I pay over $100 a month, this is ridiculous.
Tyler Moore 9 months ago
pay almost 130$ a month for it not to work ????
Zak 9 months ago
Getting tired of paying this bill and then not being able to use my internet. Hot Springs, 71901
Typer 10 months ago
Still down 2:30 pm
Teressa 10 months ago
Been down all day hot springs 71913
Craig 10 months ago
71913 still down at 10:15
Kaitlin 10 months ago
Hot Springs Internet down since 6am
Teresa 10 months ago
71901 Hot Springs internet outage
Joey 10 months ago
Cablelynx down at 715 am
Brandon 10 months ago
Hot Springs; 71913. Once again service goes inexplicably down. Hot Springs really does need a real ISP.
Cindy 11 months ago
Internet service has been going in and out since yesterday evening. Not fixed yet. 71964 - Pearcy AR.
z 1 year ago
Switching towns so i can get a REAL internet cable provider is seriously something being considered
The Dude 1 year ago
My wifi router has been unplugged and plugged back in multiple times, restarted multiple times, and all lights are green...but still haven't had internet since 10pm or 11pm. 71913
z 1 year ago
Hot springs. It's been two months now that the internet has been barely usable. Make sure you're restarting your router with your morning coffee. Get home from work? Take shoes off, restart router. Maybe it will work for a minute. Ive called the technical support. They sent someone inside my house. Didnt do anything.
Karen 1 year ago
Hot Springs has been blinking in and out since Sunday 01/15/24. Wish we have others options for internet
z 1 year ago
hot springs connection keeps crashing. Wish i had other cable internet options!
C.H 1 year ago
Constantly cuts out, pay about $70-$80 a month and sometimes it feels like service isn't always consistent. Hot Springs, 71913
Cloudy 1 year ago
Been dealing with internet issues since September. Based on time (7pm, now 6pm after daylight savings), it will start packet loss every 30s-1m and just slow upload and download all around. Now for the past week those are still happening, and now we have stutter and packet loss all day (albeit not as bad as after 6pm). I'm about to lose my work from home job because of this. 2 months. Wtf is going on. Hot Springs, 71913
z 1 year ago
Hot springs. The terrible service continues. Maybe one day, we can ge At&t.
Jennifer 1 year ago
My service has been going on and off all day. It's been intermittent for the last two weeks terrible service.
z 1 year ago
Hot springs. Day 2 of stutters so bad that I can't do anything.
Mariela Fuenmayor 1 year ago
Hot SPrings , Ar. Outage on 11.01.23. Intermmittent outage today ( 11.02.23)
Kayla 1 year ago
Fountain lake 71901 been out since before 12 last night!, just got off the phone with them and a so called "cold maintenance " is why it's down. No ETA on when it will be fixed as usual. No one is out fixing anything, their workers are probably jerkin each other's chickens and talking about how much they get on foodstamps. Whish there was another wifi provider around here cause I would for sure use them! Roaches has more work ethics than resort does!
Pamela Plymale 1 year ago
Been down about two hours Hot Springs 71913
Pamela maiorano 1 year ago
Hot springs 71902
HNC 1 year ago
71901 + Hot Springs Internet has been down for 10 hrs now. Is anyone else experiencing problems. The power has been restored, but still no internet.
GOAT 1 year ago
Hot Springs, 71901 legitimately going on 12 hours and still not accessible? How has this not been resolved by this point? It’s absolutely mind blowing that it hasn’t, I’ve missed very important online meetings today due to this judging by other people’s comments you guys need to figure your shit out, I understand there aren’t a multitude of options within this area in regards of speed, but you guys literally sit at 1 star ratings on Google. This is absurd that it still has had no progress made. Get it together.
GOAT 1 year ago
Hot Springs, 71901 legitimately going on 12 hours and still not accessible? How has this not been resolved by this point? It’s absolutely mind blowing that it hasn’t, I’ve missed very important online meetings today due to this judging by other people’s comments you guys need to figure your shit out, I understand there aren’t a multitude of options within this area in regards of speed, but you guys literally sit at 1 star ratings on Google. This is absurd that it still has had no progress made. Get it together.
GOAT 1 year ago
How is it still not back up? It’s been off since 11:30am give or take and is still off going on 9pm in Hot Springs, 71901. Just how?
still no ETA 1 year ago
Work hard everyday? Pay all your bills? Want to come home, relax and play video games or watch Roku? Hot springs resort TV cable said SIKE!
Disconnected 1 year ago
Internet out since 11am on Fountain Lake side of Hot Springs. No explanation and no ETA.
Zarek Bettis 1 year ago
71901 Hot springs, how is it possible to have the wifi down from 11am till 7:30pm and there be no notice of when it will be turned back on. This is ridiculous. All day long? Dosent seem like they are even trying to fix the problem