All Vexus reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Vexus

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Karen 10 months ago
Why is Vexus not giving any answers about internet going down? 79109 Amarillo

Karen 10 months ago
Why is Vexus not giving any answers about internet going down? 79109 Amarillo

Joe 10 months ago
79109 Amarillo. Been down for about 5 hours now.

Christina 10 months ago
Abilene TX Internet down

Azraelle 10 months ago
Amarillo (79110) out since around 9-9:30 this morning and still no change around 5+ hours. This is ridiculous. It just happened not long ago too while I was running a live stream for my business. Definitely regretting switching now, and most likely looking somewhere else for service that's more dependable because this is ridiculous.

Megan 10 months ago
Amarillo, TX, (79106) has been down for 4 hours and can’t get through to any tech.

Michael 10 months ago
Been down according to my eero app on phone since 949 am in Amarillo 79119

Carlos 10 months ago
As of 1345, internet remains down in Amarillo (79121)!

Mike 10 months ago
Amarillo 79106 has anybody able to speak to tec to find out what's going on

KyrieSystems 10 months ago
79109 Amarillo - As of 13:15 hrs, the internet is still not functional here. Yes, this does make it difficult to run a business... Still, I have not real desire to switch to a different provider, but - boy! - it sure aggravates me...

Mike 10 months ago
It is down Amarillo 79106

Donald Mansel 10 months ago
Been out of service several hours.Seems like a lot of issues. Amarillo 79107

Tim B 10 months ago
Outage in Amarillo for 3 hours, very difficult to run my business.

Beth 10 months ago
79108 I finally got through to Vexus a few minutes ago. They are working on the problem and some customers have already been restored. They expect more to be back on in an hour or so.

Johnathan C. 10 months ago
this is absurd it's been hours and not only has there been no repairs made, but customer support doesn't even have any updates to offer. Amarillo, Tx 79104

Eliza 10 months ago
79065 Pampa,Tx it's been down for 2 hours now

Jeremiah 10 months ago
79121n is down

DizNick 10 months ago
Down for over 2 hours now in Amarillo 79110

DisgruntledTechie 10 months ago
79065 Pampa, I see techs out working on the lines :)

Matt 10 months ago
Does anyone else find it odd that the internet goes down in Amarillo in many different zip codes, but at the same time it's going out in other cities? Out here too. 79102 Amarillo.

MDG the phone number 10 months ago
79110 Outage in our area since 9:40. When you call the phone number it states " The wireless person you are calling is not accepting calls " +1 800-658-2150

E 10 months ago
Internet went down at around 9:50AM in Amarillo, TX 79104; unable to connect to customer service/tech support. The 800 # is either busy or disconnects immediately. In que for past 30min. by calling multiple other Vexus phone #'s from Google listings & finally found 1 that would connect.

David Velez 10 months ago
Internet was up earlier this morning then went out around 9:30a. Still out as I am typing this. 79109 Amarillo

DisgruntledTechie 10 months ago
79065 vexus down in Pampa as of 9:30.. missing my D&D session

KyrieSystems 10 months ago
79109 AMARILLO - Internet was up earlier, but around 9:15/9:30 a.m. (Monday, Nov. 13, 2023), it went down.

James 10 months ago
Internet diwn in pampa 79065 and vexus lines are busy can't even call them to see what's going on.

Laura 10 months ago
Internet went down at 10:50pm. 79107 Amarillo

Yurei 10 months ago
79413 outage occurred at 340

Alfredo Gonzalez 10 months ago
No internet Amarillo, TX 79102

Christy Mitchell 10 months ago
Internet down 79109

Kimberly 10 months ago
no Internet 79109 amarillo

Erin 10 months ago
No internet. Amarillo,79106.

James 10 months ago
Internet down in 79065 Pampa

Echo 10 months ago
No internet in 79108

Laura 11 months ago
Internet down since 4:00a it’s now 12:30p still down with no answer to why or how long

Shaun Holtman 11 months ago
79015 Canyon Tx DOWN

Ryan 11 months ago
Internet outage in Amarillo 79121

Bud Rusk 11 months ago
Expecting a name change from VEXUS to YOYO. Why is it up & down so much of the time??? Just wondering...

MikeTue 11 months ago
Internet outage Lubbock, Tx

Dan Turner 11 months ago
Amarillo 78119 Lately Tv service has erratic a lot recently. Very frustrating!!!!!!


About Vexus

Vexus is a reliable internet service provider in the US. Vexus also offers Fiber connection, WiFi, TV, Phone and Business internet services. One can speed test via the tool available on the website. Assistance via call can be received if the internet connection goes offline. If the problem persists one can directly report any outages.
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