All Zito Media reports of the last 24 hours

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Amanda 1 year ago
28785- does anyone know why there is so many outages? 20

S JONES 1 year ago
Been out ALL morning and still at 5:30 pm NOT FIXED...DO BETTER

Kevin 1 year ago
Internet out on jonathon creek. Again

Leigha 1 year ago
Internet out for the second time this week alone. Tired of waiting hours to be able to do simple tasks.

Jay 1 year ago
Waynesville, NC 28786 internet is entirely out

Lance Schroeder 1 year ago
55732 Embarrass, If we can all agree that the Internet has been going down since around somewhere in May of 2023, I believe that It Could Be our routers. Our routers that where provided through lake connections, After being merged into Zito may not be supported anymore and it is pretty aggravating we do not get a status update or different hardware for our older company merging, Our current router is a 844-G1 calix router, Old to say the least and needs to be changed just for stability up to date Internet etc. I will update on this if I do find anything out changing up routers. Sorry to everyone that is having outages. Last thing I can provide is when the internet goes down, you lose the IPV4 and it says connecting in the router interface.

Amy Pate 1 year ago
Zito Media is the worst service I have ever had in all of the many places I have lived. I moved here 2 1/2 months ago and the internet has been out every day at least once, usually more. When you call, they give you the coined "there's an outage in your area and our technicians are working on it". So, there's an outage in my area every day, usually multiple times. I'm trying to run a business from home and this just isn't working. They always thank me for my loyalty as part of their spiel and I tell them every time, there's no loyalty when there are no other options for internet. When is someone going to come up with a solution to the big corporate monoply on internet services? Most of the time you get someone in India and it's even worse because they are also just reading from a script and don't have a clue what's really going on.

Michelle 1 year ago
ZITO used to be amazing. They used to have the best customer service. Now the service goes down daily, either all the way out or constant buffering. When you call, it is always the same story, no ETA, and they are rude. Plus they outsourced their CS to India. So half the time I can't understand them and they are reading from a script. A bad script at that. ZITO needs to fix this obvious problem and supply decent CS. Bryson City 28713

Brian 1 year ago
The 6th was a nice sunny day wasn't very hot low 80s. But despite that the Internet went down and STILL hasn't come back on.

OnnaB 1 year ago
28789 Whittier is out

JWC 1 year ago
28785 Waynesville Out again. Weather is fine. No accountability with this company. Like an absentee landlord.

Jay 1 year ago
Internet is out. Waynesville, NC 28785

Josh 1 year ago
I live in East Texas and have problems on a weekly basis. I have the 1G package and have never come near that. Now I understand that to get the full gig I have to have fiber optic cable in my house which i don't but I should still be around 500-700. Now thanks to our wonderful regulations zito only has to provide you with 60% of what we are paying for which means however much is coming into ur house then gets divided up to all the gadgets. I also was given the wrong modem by zito for the 1G package for 7 months before it was noticed along with changing cables and fittings. As I am sitting here typing this right now I am at 14mbps out of 1G. I am all ears if somebody has a solution for this whether it be legal or another provider.

Chris 1 year ago
Internet service is currently out. The Zito Togo app near constantly buffers & is unwatchable. The tried to charge me for asking a question regarding the outage duration. This service is unacceptable!

Chuck 1 year ago
<[email protected]>: 550: User [[email protected]] does not exist THIS EMAIL ADDRESS WAS LISTED IN ZITO's promotional material! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- To whom it may concern: Since May 2023, when I was told by ZITO that it was necessary to buy ROKU devices to continue my television services and 2 techs arrived to install them... and my modem was upgraded (though now I see that was a waste, because according to your own marketing materials, I must have fiber optic for this to actually work), I have had NO RELIABILITY at all with my internet connection. I have called endlessly now for FOUR MONTHS. After 5 no-show appointments, a ZITO tech rep (JR) finally (on August 10th) checked my connections and suggested my modem was fine; however, the interruptions continue (typically from 2 to 10 times daily). (It would seem that the only timely department at ZITO is the billing department. Regardless of the lack of service, charges continue and are right on time.) Now, Starlink is available in our area, and neighbors are finding it reliable. I loved my Mountain Cable service, but I find that ZITO, constantly apologetic, cannot seem to resolve this issue, which is obviously the lack of reliability of the power source or the condition of the "outside" cable that is supplying my residence. I love the speed, but it only makes a difference IF the system is operating. My phone calls are constantly interrupted (a service I moved from ATT to ZITO) without warning, and I simply can never count on the service. It drops and reconnects constantly, typically between 10am and 2pm, but not always restricted to those hours. Rarely does it drop in the night (only once), and rarely does it drop on SUNDAYS, but it has a few times. Please just be honest with me. I know some of your tech people in PA by name and voice, because I've been standing on my deck with my cell phone, hoping to keep a bar active long enough to report my outages to them, for FOUR MONTHS. Please refer to my sizeable record of calls. Two supervisors in the past 2 months have promised this would be fixed. It remains totally unreliable. My longest run without interruption was for 6 days near the end of August. This past start to the Labor Day weekend (FRI, SAT, SUN), it has dropped and reconnected at least 7 times. I am TRYING TO HELP, but I can't do this without ZITO's determination to fix the issue. By the way, it has nothing to do with the Waynesville outages sometimes reported by ZITO. My services are often down when Waynesville is operating, and mine can be operating fine, even when the Waynesville network is reportedly down. I would prefer to stay with ZITO, IF the service can be proved reliable. Otherwise, I'll have to switch carriers. Thank you. Sincerely, Chuck (I have to wonder if a class action lawsuit isn't the only path forward for many who put trust in ZITO MEDIA. This email was rejected and did NOT reach ZITO MEDIA. It is impossible to reach anyone with the real authority to do anything about service issues.)

Rose 1 year ago
17771 Trout Run PA I'm down again for internet. They know there's no options for people who live in the rural areas. They've got us by the short hairs. I signed up for the Affordable Connectivity Program in January. They said I qualified because 2 of us are living on one person's Social Security. I got the 30.00 off on February, March, no discount for April, May, June. I got shut off even though I was paying what they told me to pay in the ACP email. The man in the India call center tells me that if you're getting a bundle package discount, that is reversed and the ACP discount is put on. So they're charging you more to get the govt discount. I told him I have an email that says what I'm paying is correct. I wrote a 3 page letter to their Coudersport PA office with all my statements and backup. I know it got to their PO box because I paid for tracking. They owe me 90.00 in ACP discounts, yet they want me to pay what they say I owe with no discussion. They're taking govt funding and not giving the discounts to people. I'm sending my documentation to my Congressman. I'm fed up with their attitude and non- service. We have nothing here but Zito or Viasat and that's $200 a month. A class action lawsuit sounds good to me!

Amamilinda 1 year ago
My service has been down since Sunday. Just called them and they still have no ETA. 75801

Luke 1 year ago
28716, Canton NC. The most corrupt criminal enterprise since the Ponzie Scheme. Here ye' current and past Zito Media customers. If you have been done wrong by this particular company, then please take the time to go look on Facebook starting the beginning of September when hopefully I will have internet service back up so I can take the time to orchestrate a Facebook group that will be solely dedicated to filing a class action lawsuit against Zito Media. It is not legal in the United State of America to accept payment and moreover, require payment from folks that have no other choice but to prescribe to this criminal company that provides their internet service that we pay for every single month....LESS THAN THE AMOUNT OF TIME that they do provide the service. They know that folks are bound to stick with their unlawful BS because they are in many instances, the only option for people to have any type of internet service. That is actually called a Monopoly which is also illegal. When you get in touch with them to alert them of the outage over and over and over again....they never do anything for several days and are rude, ugly and plain unprofessional to say the least. So, find us on Facebook where we should be organized under the company name and the keywords Class Action Lawsuit. We will take these clowns down and make them pay for their wrongdoings through the US legal system. God Bless. Luke

Jim 1 year ago
Joshua, Tx 76058 Internet service down 2 days now. Called in a report. "They're working on it" was what I was told.

Liz 1 year ago
Susanville CA 96130 has been dropping out constantly for the last week. It drops out and comes back, or just drops out and stays down for 3-4 hours. Today it went down at 9am, and was still down when I left for work at 4pm. No idea if it's back up or not.

Tracy 1 year ago
I live in Cruso. We’ve had no internet for 3days no. Getting tired of paying for a service that I don’t get. I’m hoping another internet company has moved in this are or will soon because unfortunately where I am zito is the only I know of. Someone else comes along I’m gone. Buh bye zito. 28716/cruso

DG 1 year ago

Luke 1 year ago
28717 Cruso/Canton NC....Zito (the worst, most criminal company ive ever had business with) yet out for NO REASON WHATSOEVER for 3 days now! Wife and I work from home and have to have internet. It's down as much as it's up. Pathetic. I'm really on the fence but am close to filling a law suite against this company that accepts payment for services that aren't even provided half the time or more! This isn't lawful. It's illegal actually. If this continues then Zito may very well have a class action lawsuit on their hands. There are more than enough of "us" out here complaining about this crap that a class action suit would hit hard on these clowns. Think of the people who work from home and lose their jobs because of this madness. It's not just here and there. This happens at least once a week and isn't due to storms or flooding or earthquakes, tornados or anything...just goes down and then stays down most of the time for days on end. If you read this and are considering Zito Media.......RUN THE OTHER WAY! Go look at TMobile or Elons company maybe called starlink!? We are absolutely in the process of finding something else, because Zito Media is a JOKE!!!

CV 1 year ago
Internet down for two days in Huntsburg, Ohio. Ant ETA of when service will be restored?

James 1 year ago
Internet out 2 days in a row at 10:18 ish yesterday took several hours to come back on, today down the same time so I reached out through message after waiting 30min on phone. They said there is an outage in Janesville 96114 and they are there working on it . I asked was there one yesterday, the reply was no but there is today because it’s scheduled maintenance on the lines. Shouldn’t they have said the first time?

DG 1 year ago
Internet out in 16845 (Karthaus) AGAIN!

DG 1 year ago
Internet’s out in 16845 Karthaus

Jose F. 1 year ago
Internet in zip 34476 out since 8/17; remains unresolved. Second time in the past 30-days, last outage was a week. Speak with support every day since 8/17. My next call is to a competitor...way too long for a resolution.

E Wood 1 year ago
Internet down since yesterday afternoon 34476 Ocala

Samuel 1 year ago
Landisburg pa, internet down again. For a year I've been having issues and get nothing but scripted spin from the agents. They send out techs, never fixes the problem but for a couple days

Mike 1 year ago
Internet has been down since last Thursday so literally a week with no service in Mayfield KY 42066. No ETA according to zito. Complete BS service. I paid to have Internet!

Cecelia Marble 1 year ago
89445 Winnemucca, NV Has had nothing but problems with the Internet being down. Zito used to be good. Now it sucks!!!

Patricia Parton 1 year ago
We still have an outage area in the 28785 zip code of Waynesville, NC. Not being reported. Several towns in Haywood County and Swain County listed when you call. Outage map not truthful!!!

Patricia Parton 1 year ago
No Internet in Waynesville 28785

VladDmit 1 year ago
Internet has been sluggish at best, mostly not working, as I work from home this puts a big dent in my business, service is horrible at best, at least 5-7 days out of a month there is no internet, I wish there were other isps, exfinity and black bear wireless started laying their fiber optic cables, can’t wait for them to finish 1000% will be switching, 16803 Forrest heights area.

Patricia Parton 1 year ago
Internet in Waynesville, NC has been down for 2 days now.

Austin 1 year ago
Paying 100% for internet that only works 30% of the time. Its been out since Friday morning. Possibly due to a lightning strike as it also fried our modem, technician replaced that (surprising... i know). However its still out. I'd have better luck using a fork and aluminum foil to fish for internet than this useless ISP. Good news is; for anyone looking to start an internet company, you couldnt possibly be as bad as Zito. They've already set the bar below ground level, so take advantage of the opportunity. Jokes aside however, will be switching to Starlink soon. So sick of this sh!t Bryson City - 28713

Bradley 1 year ago
Internet is out in clinton.

Ashley 1 year ago
Mayfield KY Said my internet bill was due which wasn’t for 5 days. But I paid. Then was like oh actually there is an outage. Only internet service that I can get if I would have been let them go

Larry 1 year ago
Bryson city NC 28713 Internet down since Saturday afternoon. Has been 3 days now.


About Zito Media

Zito Media is a American company that provides internet access to its clients in 16 states with the greatest concentration in Texas, Pennsylvania and Missouri. The cable internet service provided by Zito Media is accessible to around 234,000 individuals, which is the 37th largest provider of cable broadband in the U.S. by territory.
Live outage map

Outage history

Reported outages on 25.03.2025:
There were a total of 1 outages at Zito Media. The most frequently affected cities were: Port Allegany
Reported outages on 23.03.2025:
There were a total of 1 outages at Zito Media. The most frequently affected cities were: Atlanta

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